It took an amendment to the Constitution to ban alcohol's use as a drug (not actually what it did, but close enough). Why didn't it take a Constitutional Amendment to ban drugs?
By federal law marijuana is such a dangerous drug that it requires special federal dispensation to use it for anything--it's more or less in the same class as heroin. If that makes any sense to you please explain it to me--I don't understand at all.
I agree, there is waste and fraud in businesses, in churches, and in charities, but I doubt if all of the waste and fraud from all three areas combined would compare to the waste and fraud of government.
Everything else in our society is accountable to someone. Government is accountable to no one, to nothing but itself.
Why should the government have to worry about waste and fraud, percentagewise it is insignificant, besides it's only money and the "sheep" have some more--all they have to do is take it.
Libertarians don't hold that people aren't victims, and some few may even be victims of circumstance. Most victims in this country are victims of government.
Saving the Environment
There should be no problem with restrictions on land use that are sensible and based on facts rather than "common knowledge" or opinion. Such restrictions may be, and often are, imposed by covenant.
When such restrictions are put in place by a court as settlement of a lawsuit, those who desire the restriction should be required to reimburse the owner for all costs and for the loss of use for as long as they wish the restriction to be in place. If they lapse in payment that should be the end of it and their case dismissed with prejudice. It might be cheaper for the Sierra Club etc. to just buy the land.
Now water rights are a different beast altogether. Generally you have the use of water that flows across your land, but you cannot adversely affect the use of that same water by other landowners that live downstream.
Of all the nations on earth, how many others have our concept of sovereign people, living under a derived government? All nations I can think of have subjects.
The government of the United States is doing everything in its considerable power to convince people that we'd be better off as subjects. It is the government's apparent belief that freedom is for butterflies, that we'd all be better off as ants--following their leader.
What many people are really saying is they are fairly responsible scofflaws, violating only laws where the act will have no real lasting effect on society. Their own personal way of saying the law is unnecessary since breaking it is more convenient. That violating such laws causes no one to suffer bodily harm, loss of life, financial injury, or loss of property or its value.
If one carries that out another step or two, he reaches the inescapable conclusion that too many laws exist--many of which have little or no public support. Such laws are worse than no laws; they inspire contempt for the law in general.
In my native Missouri it is a violation of law to ship nitro-glycerin in quantities of less than ten pounds by rail unless it is in a magazine car with a zinc roof--larger quantities may be shipped without restriction. Laws of that type exist too, they are political pork, and they are often so old they have petrified yet they remain on the books as absurdities.
The answer to your question is, of course, various people who think of themselves as public spirited and concerned with making society as safe as possible. Unfortunately these people feel they live under a government and not under a Constitution. They feel government can give and remove rights at its whim. These people don't understand how our system of government was designed to work any more than they understand human nature. (Many of these people watched "Bambi" to gain a full understanding of how an eco-system functions.) These are people to whom the statement, "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you." makes perfect sense.
These people often consider themselves "patriots" of one sort or another, after all, they are loyal to the government, especially if the government is working to void the Constitution and move further down the road of Fabian Socialism.
Patriotism in America is loyalty and allegiance only to the Constitution, not at all to the government. There may again come a time when the two are one and the same, but to get to that point we must rewrite the Constitution or put the government back on its leash. I prefer a government of, by, and for the people; rather than a people of, by and for the government. Needless to say I'm looking into the leash market, this fall may present some good opportunities.
You asked, "What kind of government won't trust its citizens to be armed?" A better question might be, "What kind of government can trust its citizens?" The answer is, "One which obeys the Constitution which created it, and follows the wishes of the majority of the citizenry while protecting the rights of the minority who disagree.
We've been living under a government controlled in whole or in part by liberals (socialists, not classic liberals) for over 65 years. During that time the Constitution has taken a beating. Look at what it has gotten us. We have children shooting children while we are expected to blame the tool. We have public officials lying under oath and we're told it isn't really serious; that it's the fault of the investigators. Liberals have forbidden prayer in schools as a divisive issue (The First Amendment--"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."[Emphasis mine]). Has this made the country a better safer place?
Modern liberal (socialist) politics is the politics of hatred. The population must be divided into groups and the groups turned against each other. Government can then demand additional authority (unconstitutional authority) to resolve the problems it originally generated.
What we're doing now doesn't work--its time to go back to the basics, the government on a leash and the people free.